Father of the Bride

Daddy's little girl is getting married- to a great guy- and we only get one shot at this, so we want to do it right. Here's what I'm thinking. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Monday, June 21, 2010

Song Lyrics

These are the lyrics to the song that played when I gave Kimmy away. I could not think of anything else better to say and I really do believe that those 2 can change the world.

I Believe in You
Steven Curtis Chapman

Aren't you the little one
That hid in my arms afraid of the thunder?
Are these the little hands
That held so tight to mine?
Didn't we both agree you'd never grow up
And now here we are
And here you go
Of all the things I want to say
The thing you really need to know is...

I believe in you
Yeah, I believe in you
Everything you are
Everything you are becoming

And I believe in you
Yeah, I believe in you
So spread your wings and fly
On the winds of knowing I
Always believe in you

So many prayers we've prayed
So many dreams to get to this moment
Now this is where we stay
While you go change the world
But I'll be where I have always been
Up in the stands cheering you on and
Singing this song
A song the very God who made you
Has been singing all along

I believe in you
Yeah, I believe in you
So spread your wings and fly
On the winds of knowing I
Will always believe in you

And when you rise and when you fall
I'll still believe in you
Just close your eyes and hear me calling
I believe in you
Oh, I believe in you

Father's Day

I received what I most wanted for Father's Day- a call from Kimmy before they took off for Hawaii. She sounded great and they are having fun being married.

What a special girl He have me as a stewardship opportunity and now we, T and I, are finished with that portion of our lives and have to move on to the next; it's hard to think about not having her upstairs. They will be here for a few weeks before they head back to NC, but that might be even harder- not sure right now.

Pray that they would be able to relax and that God would be building some opportunities for ministry even in Hawaii and in NC.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

No more Kimmy Weinberg

What a great day!!!

I woke up this morning at 5 and was thirsty so I got out of bed and walked to the fridge. as soon as my feet hit the floor I knew I was not staying on them for too long. So I got a drink and laid back down for a few hours- they still hurt.

Jim Martin showed up at about 9 and was taking down the tent lights and such; I'm sure glad they come down faster than they go up, but it's still a batch of work. The Frisks showed up about 10 and brought scones and helped with the lights. Ryan Hendrickson arrived at noon-ish and took apart the power supply for the tent. It is amazing how many elements it takes to put all thees things together.

Our boys had world's for sale pickups, and I here that went very well, and so they came home about 12:45 and started with the chairs and tables. Hickocks and Luggs came about 2 to help sort through boxes and shortly after that the Higlits came over to really make sure we had things going to where they were supposed to go. So many pots, trays, vases... that it is hard to keep track of it all.

I did get the lawn mowed and pretty much everything is back in place, vacuumed the house and it will need it again with all the grass that is in here, cut John's hair and looked at the video of the first "kiss". As many times as he practiced that dip it's hard to imagine that his foot slipped but as Kimmy said, "Only to us".

I truly believe God was honored by the events of the day, I think people had a great time and I gave my sweet girl to an amazing guy. God's timing and plan are perfect but it is still hard to think about the fact that soon Kimmy will not be here very often, they will start their own family and she won't brighten our day with the warmth of her smile. She is no longer Kimmy Weinberg:( She is Kim Lugg:)

T and I had a great day talking and crying about the entire process and thinking about what the future will look like for us and them. T said that it is hard to remember that we still have all our family and friends here and when they go to NC they will be starting all over again. Kimmy doesn't really like change but she is going to get some pretty serious change here pretty quickly. Her Father knows what she can handle and He will be there to protect and supply her every need. I can't imagine what it would be like having my little girl going across America without her knowing The Father.

Tomorrow is father's day but yesterday I received the best gift I could have ever received- I got to give Kimmy away to the man of her dreams and I got a son-in-law and I know Kimmy could not be happier.

As I walked this morning I couldn't help be reminded of God's goodness to me in so many ways. I am so undeserving. I hope you enjoyed the process as much as I did.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Early Wedding Day

I couldn't sleep- big surprise- so I got up and checked the tent to make sure everything was still there, but really I didn't want to wake the first lady of my life. This is such a strange, hard, awesome, happy and sad place to be. It's hard to see the keys to write because tears are clouding the locations.

Larnell Harris sings a song called "The other woman in my Life" and it is about how his daughter grows up to become that person. I am so blessed to have my beautiful, hard working, tender hearted, full of laughter, friend to so many, wife and it is hard to believe that God has given me another woman to add to that joy. I don't deserve the incredible wife I have and yet God lavished on me an amazing daughter as well.

As I think about Kimmy being gone from our home, going to the other side of America, my heart is so glad that God has given her to us and yet so sad that this stage is now just a few hours away from being over. The house will be so different- she brings life to the room when she enters. She is so discerning and yet tender. She helps me understand Teresa and helps Teresa understand me. Many times she has been the "go between" and she will be able to take this into her next stage.

How can my little girl be leaving today? How could the time pass so quickly? How can it be that in just a few hours I will give her to the man that God has planned for her to share the rest of her life with? We love Ian and they are perfectly suited for each other; I can't imagine the heart ache I would feel if I had to give her to someone that I didn't think was going to take care of her. I am so blessed.

My heart is just really sad right now and it's not that I don't want them to get married but I just can't believe my life is going to change so much from today forward. From the moment I saw her, heard her low cry, held my beautiful little girl, I knew that this day would come but I had no idea how much she would impact my life.

We don't get do overs, there are no go back and change this or that, I can't undo anything I have messed up- and there are plenty of those- and I really don't have lots of regrets in my life. I am excited to give her away because I know that God has something amazing for her and Ian to do, but I just love this young woman so much.

Today will be crazy with all kinds of things happening. I'm going to miss lots of those things but it doesn't really matter, what matters is that today is the day that God planned from eternity past for this to happen, He planned many things to take place along the way, and they have, and I hope to be the most joyful, happy teared, forward looking, liver on unseen things person I can be today, by His strength and power. Today is a day to worship just like every other day we have breath; I want to do that well today.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last night Kimmy is a Weinberg

Well, today started pretty early and ended late.

The septic tank alarm sounded AGAIN at 1am this morning and at 5 I rolled out of bed and asked God to make this an easy fix. I called the same company that pumped it last Friday and asked what they thought it might be; "no idea until we take the lid off and have a look". So I had to take the sod back off and dig it out again while the expert was on the way. He arrived and we turned off the power and he switched some wires around and determined that the pump was actually dead. So new pump and float and hopefully that will be the last time I need to do that for a while.

Tent went up today and a whole bunch of other things. We have such an amazing Body here and many have pitched in, no pun intended, and help in so many different ways. We have wrapped fabric, hung lights, cut out papers, ran errands, weeded and replaced weeds with plants, laughed much and at least for me, cried a few tears.

There is still plenty to do but if the wedding needed to happen right now we could just pick all the little things up and set up some more chairs and we could do it. Praise Him for He is so good and He gives what is best for each one of us.

Friday, June 11, 2010

1 Week today

Lots of things happening around here; some fun and some not so fun.

First for the fun ones. We did some lighting design and planning last night and talked about where power was coming from and what the tent would look like, would it be light enough at the time of the evening under the tent and those kinds of things.

We have had an on going discussion about portable toilets. Here is how the discussion goes. The girls are pretty opposed to using them and I think that we should at least have them for the guys and even for the women, so they don't have to stand in line as long. The girls say that the women don't ever want to use them and I am concerned about all those women using the bathrooms all at once- major burden on the septic system. Well, it's not that I think that talking about portable toilets is so fun, but the not so fun part follows.

While I was talking to the portable toilet lady on the phone last week, she told me that the last thing you want during a wedding or reception is a septic emergency. Plunging the toilet and things like that are not too fun during what should be one of the best days of the year. That leads to what follows.

If this were not going to be such a mess it would be comical. The septic alarm went off this morning. What kind of timing is that? So one week to go and the septic tank needs to be pumped; but it gets better. The tank lids are not close to the surface and will need to be dug out just to remove the lids. It gets even better. They are located right in the back lawn, where all the guests are gong to have to walk.

I think that this crazy rain storm over the past few days/months has exacerbated the situation, but now the system will be empty when everyone arrives, the lawn will just not look quite so good when they get here.

So, if you're coming to the wedding, come with a flexible attitude. God is in charge of all the details, including the level of our tank, so this is no surprise for Him and I guess He thought this was a good way to get my attention this morning. I'm awake now.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sub 2 weeks

Under 2 weeks to go, just finishing the graduation weekend and when it is completed we have to get down to serious business.

Pray for some nice weather so I can finish the yard stuff, or we will have to all wear rubber boots to get through the mud. Could it be more rainy this year? At least it will be very green. More gravel needed, some bark, flowers and start to think about how all the lighting stuff is going to work out.

So much planning stuff now I can't even list it all. Kimmy is getting vow ideas, Ian is at his friends wedding in Colorado and comes home tomorrow. Cake and things like that are ordered, but there is so much more to do. I'm sure it will all come together but it is starting to seem like there is a lot to do.

Please, also pray for nice weather on the 18th, but if it does rain I have told Kimmy and Ian that they can still get married:)